My goal for 2024: to remember it

Added: December 16, 2023


  • triton

    December 16, 2023 at 10:39 AM

    i recently though on the same topic. i've done weekly reflections in my bujo for more than a year and i often struggle with details for them so they turn out to be less valuable than i'd like. my issue has been that i've kept it too focused on tasks. thoughts, ideas, and observations i usually type to ios notes app and either delete, if they're not worthy, or transfer to obsidian where they sort of lose the original context that prompted them. i'm not into diffing my notes every sunday to see what i've thought about over the week which won't include everything anyway. since the current notebook conveniently fills up with this month, i can start a new one in january where i've decided to write more than just my todo lists.

    i have this a6 notebook that i used years ago. it doesn't have any tasks, i must have used trello for tasks at the time, but it does have quotes, sketches, guitar chords, and various notes. whenever i leaf through it, i quite often still remember writing them.

  • Peter Rushforth

    December 16, 2023 at 4:29 PM

    Wishing you a smooth 2024

    All the best Peter

  • Bruno

    December 17, 2023 at 12:49 AM

    I could perfectly resonate with you. For years that I feel really upset with my lack of biographical memory… I have them, but I need to make an huge effort to recount them naturally. It’s frustrating and I can’t say that maintaining a regular journal would came easy, but you put me thinking… thank you for that. :)

  • Dave Rupert

    December 18, 2023 at 4:24 PM

    Good luck! I've kept journals from time to time and it's always a fond memory, a habit I wish I could get back to and sustain. Sometimes it's hard to remember the good things or see the progress unless you write it down in a little emo journal only you will ever see.

  • jsrn

    January 30, 2024 at 3:51 PM

    I started doing this I'm really glad I did. Even if I don't keep up with writing something every day, I keep up with the weekly reviews and at the end of each year I can look back and remember all the key moments.

    The thing that really keeps me on track is a recurring TODO every Sunday to fill out my review and create next week's from a template. That way I can jot stuff in that week's entry even if I don't make a note for that day.

    Hope it goes well!

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