How I added tags to my Astro site
I store all my note files in a directory in my Astro project called /notes
In each of those notes, I have a frontmatter property called tags
, which is an array of the tags I want tag the note with.
title: How I added tags to my Astro site
slug: how-i-added-tags-to-my-astro-site
added: 2022-07-17 14:28
updated: 2022-07-17 14:28
tags: [development]
Tags on the note page
When I’m rendering out the note page, I can use that frontmatter data to create a list of tags.
export async function getStaticPaths() {
let posts = await Astro.glob(`../notes/*.md`);
return => ({
params: { slug: post.frontmatter.slug },
props: { post: post },
const { post } = Astro.props;
const {
frontmatter: { title, added, updated, tags, excerpt },
} = post;
<em class="meta-label">Tags:</em>{' '}
{ => (<Tag tag={tag} />))}
List of all the tags
To render a list of all the tags, and how many notes are in the tag, I use Astro.glob(
to get all the posts and their frontmatter. I then reduce the array of notes in to an object. The object has each tag as a key, and the posts with that tag as the value.../notes/\*.md\
let posts = await Astro.glob(`../notes/*.md`);
const tagsWithPosts = posts.reduce((allTags, post) => {
const postTags = post.frontmatter.tags;
if (postTags) {
postTags.forEach((tag) => {
if (!allTags[tag]) {
allTags[tag] = [];
return allTags;
}, {});
Then I can render out the tags with their post count in the footer of my pages.
import Tag from './Tag.astro';
const { tags } = Astro.props;
const tagsSorted = tags ? Object.keys(tags).sort() : [];
<ul class="tags">
{ =>
<Tag {tag} number={tags[tag].length} />

Tag page
Finally, I added a page to my Astro pages/
directory: pages/tag/[tag].astro
. I used the tags object from above to get
the posts just for the tag, and passed it to the page via props.
export async function getStaticPaths() {
// using tagsWithPosts object from above
return Object.keys(tagsWithPosts).map(tag => ({
params: { tag: tag }, props: { posts: allTags[tag] }
const tagHeader = `${posts.length} post${posts.length === 1 ? '' : 's'
} tagged with "${tag}"`;
({url, frontmatter: { excerpt, slug, title, tags }}) => (
<NoteListItem {url} {excerpt} {slug} {title} {tags} />
I added snippets here but you can see how it all works together at the GitHub repo.
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