How quickly can I make an Astro DB project? (part 2)
I don’t have by-the-minute updates today. But I can tell you that I spent another 40 minutes on this and I have something that writes to the database, reads from the database and works on production.
I’d never done anything dynamic with Astro before so I looked up the DB docs and copied straight from the Insert example to make a form that submits to the DB.
I looked around for a while to see if there was any way to inspect the local Astro DB in TablePlus but it wasn’t obvious how to get the connection details. Oh well, I just had to query the table to inspect the data.
This was my first time using drizzle so I had to look up the docs to work out how to select counts using a groupBy (I’m building a poll).
Everything was working on local, but my hosted/production DB still had nothing in it.
I tried running npx astro db push
but the astro cli said I needed to login first. So I ran npx astro db login
to login. Then I tried to push again but the cli told me I needed to run npx astro db link
first to “link” my repo to the Astro Studio project. I had been wondering how to connect the local project to Astro Studio, so was glad the cli gave me the command. Finally I could push my db schema to the hosted DB in Astro Studio!
The data/ops part of the project is now sorted! I just need to make it look nice now 😊.
To only take 70 mins total from go to woah is pretty impressive. In terms of documentation and tooling (cli etc), Astro remains top of the game in my opinion. Granted, I have previous experience with database ORMs, deployments and serverless functions, so can probably get going quicker than a beginner coder. But really, it was a pretty smooth experience!
This has been post no. 15 for #WeblogPoMo2024 and it is what I was interested in today.
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